There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for your kids. You stay up late to check their homework. You wake up early to pack their lunches. You call roll in the car while double checking seat belts before rehearsing the big song for Friday’s school play, chiming in yourself on the chorus. You tie their shoes. You comb their hair. You stick on Band-Aids and peel off mud-caked socks. You want the very best for your kids 100% of the time.

What if you found out that for several minutes per day, they were breathing in concentrated levels of air pollutants, toxins, even carcinogens that could harm their health? If you wait in a long carpool line to drop them off or pick them up from school, chances are good they’re being exposed to high levels of air toxins caused by emissions from idling vehicles.

When lots of cars idle in the same place for several minutes at a time—like they do in school carpool lanes—they release emissions that diminish air quality near schools where children are waiting, walking, and breathing.

Some things to think about:

Sources and more information:

So what can you do?

About the Kno-Idling Pledge: You want to keep your kids safe, and so do we. The Kno-Idling pledge encourages parents, caregivers, delivery drivers, and anyone who drives to and from schools to keep the air students breathe clean by shutting off engines when parked or waiting.